You are developing a web stuff and you want to use any remote-API or any web-service but due to localhost, you can't do it like integration testing with Payment Gateway. In that case, you need a static IP.
Now think if any domain name is allocated to localhost (your development machine) and you don't need to purchase a static IP for this task, then you can easily test, debug and provide fixes immediately. Even you can share website on web from your localhost machine.
How ?
The simple answer is a ngrok. It will provide you a subdomain for your localhost.
ngrok is an open-source project which provides a reverse-proxy that creates a secure tunnel between web to your local-machine. Its available for Linux, Windows and Mac-OS.
What you can do ?
Set-up on Ubuntu :
1# Download binary file from ngrok official site.
2# unzip it and get binary file (ngrok)
Its far better, If you will move this binary file to /usr/bin/ folder so you can use ngrok as command on terminal at anywhere.
You need to bind port number on tunnel. Like apache uses port number 80 by-default. So execute the following command
You can see here all http request and you can inspect your all http request(traffic) on
Now think if any domain name is allocated to localhost (your development machine) and you don't need to purchase a static IP for this task, then you can easily test, debug and provide fixes immediately. Even you can share website on web from your localhost machine.
How ?
The simple answer is a ngrok. It will provide you a subdomain for your localhost.
ngrok is an open-source project which provides a reverse-proxy that creates a secure tunnel between web to your local-machine. Its available for Linux, Windows and Mac-OS.
No need to sign up, easy to setup and easy to use
What you can do ?
- Share your website demo that is running on your development machine.
- Developing and testing any application which consume webhooks like Notification of payment, test social-media registration locally etc.
- HTTP/Token based authentication on your tunnel. (sign-up feature)
- Reserved sub-domain for your tunnel. (Paid-feature)
Set-up on Ubuntu :
1# Download binary file from ngrok official site.
2# unzip it and get binary file (ngrok)
unzip /loaction/of/ngrok.zipNow every task of ngrok will be executed by binary file execution ( ./ngrok).
Its far better, If you will move this binary file to /usr/bin/ folder so you can use ngrok as command on terminal at anywhere.
sudo mv /binary/file/loaction/ngrok /usr/bin/3# Setup is completed and now you can create a tunnel.
You need to bind port number on tunnel. Like apache uses port number 80 by-default. So execute the following command
ngrok 80Tunnel status will be open and you will get a sub-doamin.
You can see here all http request and you can inspect your all http request(traffic) on
Here you can replay all request.
You can get help by ngrok --help or prefer ngrok doc for more advance information.
I have tested ngrok on PayInvoice extension ( A Joomla based Invoicing system) with Paypal Payment processor. :)
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